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Awilda Balbuena


Why I serve on the Board of Books in Homes 

I may be the newest elected Board member, but my history with Books In Homes USA dates back to 2014 as the first SDP elementary school principal to come onboard. Dr. Quest introduced himself along with a promise to bring books into our families’ homes for years to come and my love and respect for BIH began.


As an educator since 1999 I understand how the research directly points to access to books at homes and how it can significantly increase a child’s academic trajectory. However, books in the home make a difference beyond literacy. Those children who grow up with books at home tend to not only have higher reading comprehension skills, but also mathematical and digital communication skills further increasing communication skills for future job attainment. Although we cannot control parents’ education level, their college attainment is another clear indicator of students’ academic success.  Books In Homes USA can directly affect the number of books in a children’s homes for the benefit of the entire family.


As a Board member I am committed to finding new ways to excite children and families about reading and ensuring I am contributing to growing home libraries all around the world.

Books in Homes USA
699 Beaver Street

PO Box #504

Bristol, PA USA 19007-9998

844-243-1010 or 844-288-7088

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